One morning, Jack decided our DVD shelf needed some help:

He checked each one carefully to see if it was good enough to stay on the shelf....

Only one DVD was REALLY good. That one got filed in his toy basket. :)

(The rest of the re-filed DVDs are on the other side of Jack's bum, stealthily filed away.)

"Mom, look what I did for you!" :)
That's a pretty good selection of geek films -- both male and female...
But is Serenity yours, or his?
My son is awesome. That movie he set aside is Last Man Standing
Serenity is OURS. One of our next additions will be Firefly!
Oh, OURS...
His, then... and yours by geek association... :)
Dollhouse got renewed...!
Hey, I take offense to your assumption! I am not a hardcore geek girl, but I definitely have my moments. I love the sci-fi/western flavor! Okay, I love the sci-fi/ANYTHING flavor. :P
And I have to confess, I never started watching Dollhouse. All I know of it, I know from your screenshots. :)
Seb, I appreciate DH coming back.
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