Friday, June 15, 2007

St. Louis is the worst piece of roadwork in the country

We just nearly got hopelessly lost in the morass that is downtown St. Louis.

The road signs lied TWICE, at crucial moments. Luckily, between the GPS, Alex's bad-ass driving and Melissa's intrepid navigation, we sorted ourselves out and escaped. But not before going up and down the same patch of highway at least three times. :)

We are now out, but it's okay because we're only going 7 miles per hour on a double-lane highway outside St. Louis (which has been single-laned due to construction).


Anonymous said...

how did you get to the back side of St Louis at 10:37 a.m.? What happens to the time of posting?
weird. I'm glad you made it out of St Louis and hope that Nashville wasn't so terrible -- probably made it just in time for the rush hour traffic. Hope the left lane all the time worked.. forgot to tell you that on the east side of Nashville it turns into a HOV lane and you would be hitting it at the right time.
Glad you could stop by. Michael says the babies were probably coyotes or coyote/feral dog mix???

Melissa said...

Nashville had NO traffic! Literally, we had five cars on a six-lane road. :)