Wednesday, August 13, 2008

4 1/2 weeks to go.... status report! :)

We got a special information packet from our Doc appointment today that basically was prep for the final weeks --phone numbers to call at any time, things we should or shouldn't feel like we need to call in about, reminders of actual labor signs.... good stuff!

I also got my last blood drawn today, which is definitely cause for celebration! This one was for a final check of my iron levels, which should be fine, since I was barely under the borderline of okay at the last draw (39.9 when they like to see at least 40.0, I think), and have been taking iron supplements since.

Alex and I are working on getting things all squared away for the baby's arrival. At some point we realized that although the due date is in four weeks, it's not uncommon to have the baby arrive up to 3 weeks early, so we want to be ready just in case!

We found out that we do have a storage space up in the attic of our apartment building, so we've been making a lot more room for baby stuff down here in the living space, and carting the extras up to hide for a while. (For instance, we probably aren't going to need 7 suitcases any time soon!)

I am starting to make some pre-made meals that we can freeze up and have ready for when the baby comes home. I figure that if the baby is late, we can just eat them and make more so the food doesn't get old and funky, but I do want to have some meals ready from now on just in case.

I am possibly going to start taking Zantac (over the counter heartburn medicine) before bed for the final stretch here, since I am now regularly waking up with WICKED acid reflux about every 45 minutes. Dr. Browne is a bit concerned that I am now burning away my esophageal lining, and I'm inclined to agree. It's been at least three months of this nonsense escalating more and more, and Tums is just not getting the job done anymore. I'm getting acid reflux more and more frequently and strongly, even during the day when I am fully upright and haven't eaten anything in hours.... Aside from the fact that it HURTS, how am I supposed to finish growing a baby when I can't sleep because my throat is always burning up?

The baby shower had to stop being a secret, since there were just too many variables to be scheduled in, so I know it's coming this weekend. (Yay!) By the end of this weekend, we will have all the baby goodies ready to be settled in to the house (and will know what remaining items we need to get).

Chris and I have FINALLY settled on colors and styles for the cloth diapers she is setting me up with, so that's good! I think they are going to work out well. Also, we realized that it is perfectly do-able to wash the diaper inserts in the dishwasher, which is much more cost-effective for those of us who don't own our own washer and dryer. (Don't worry, you can totally keep it sanitary between dishes and diapers --or maybe just handwash dishes. Haven't quite decided on that one yet!)

I feel like we're way too ahead of the game on this. What (massive element, probably) are we forgetting???

1 comment:

Diana said...

Not massive but defintely helpful. Plan to have lots of small but healthy snacks on hand for when you are nursing a new baby. Things you can grab while sitting dowm with the baby. Lots of moms like a tray of sliced cheese or veggies in the fridge. That way you can eat even when you can't have a "meal". Protein is key.

Also, my mother gave me a very good piece of advice from the "old time" nursing moms she was raised around. Every time you nurse the baby drink a glas of water for yourself. Keeps you hydrated.